Date-based property flows are great ways to set up automated touchpoints inside Klaviyo to drive recurring revenue and also deliver great experiences to your customers.
A short video on how to configure the date-based property flow can be found below:
How to create a Date-Based Property Flow in Klaviyo
Here are some of my favourite ways to leverage the date-based property flow:
1: Purchase Anniversaries
These work well for stores that don’t have a high frequency of campaigns, but people may have purchased for a special occasion (i.e. a gift for a significant other).
This is because the original purchase date usually coincides with a special occasion.
Here’s an example of how the flow trigger would be configured (remember, you’ll want to go in early to give the recipient some time to make a purchase, depending on the context of your messaging and the nature of your store):

An example of how the email may look for the first touchpoint:

Then, depending on how many touch points you want to send out before then, you would also send another email out on the actual date of the first purchase:

2: Birthdays
Most Birthday Flows simply deliver a coupon to customers before and on their birthday to incentivise them to make another purchase.
There is nothing necessarily wrong with this; it works but is a little played out.
I’d still recommend doing this for most stores, but if you want to get truly creative, check out this article on how to create an epic birthday flow using the date-based property in Klaviyo.
I’d also highly recommend progressively profiling customers intermittently throughout the year to collect more birthdays from your customers, as there is a lot you can do with them.
You can achieve this with some basic progressive profiling campaigns that redirect customers to your preference centre like this:

3: Using Zero-Party Data for special occasions
This is by far my favourite and most creative way to use the date-based property in Klaviyo, which I outlined in the video above.
Depending on the store you’re working with, you can use it to collect anniversaries, special gifting occasions and more.
You’ll first want to put some effort into personalising your preference centre (a big missed opportunity for most brands) since this is where you’ll redirect a lot of customers to input this information:

As you can see, you have a lot of room to play here and literally unlimited fields to collect this information.
The two main places to capture this zero-party data include:
- Progressive profiling campaigns (as shown above)
- Signup forms (for new and returning customers)
One of the mistakes I see a lot of brands make is not using signup forms for returning customers as they think once they’ve offered them a discount for the first purchase, their job is done.
But if you get creative by targeting returning customers with signup forms, you have a mountain of room for creativity by using zero-party data to deliver really cool experiences.
Don’t sleep on date-based property flows.
They can be creative, drive incremental revenue, and, where relevant, deliver exceptional experiences to customers that lead to Word of Mouth advocacy.
Experiment with some of the above, and be sure to tell me if you have any additional ideas on Twitter. Check out our newsletter too for more insider insights into eCommerce email marketing.
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- How to create a Segmentation strategy in Klaviyo
- How to create an epic Post-Purchase Flow in Klaviyo
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- How to Use Klaviyo: Learn the 5 Big Mistakes to Avoid
further in depth reading
This is a collection of articles that will provide you with more information about our FREE email marketing course.